The Journey
Sunday 15 October 2023

The Journey


The Journey is a tour booking website that allows users to book tours and manage their bookings. It is built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Pug.


ERD and APIs


  1. Protected routes, authentication, authorization, security, payments, and more.
  2. MVC architecture
  3. RESTful API
  4. CRUD operations
  5. Advanced authentication and security
  6. Payments with Stripe
  7. Mapbox integration
  8. Server-side rendering with Pug templates
  9. Email sending with Mailtrap
  10. Advanced error handling
  11. File uploading
  12. Advanced MongoDB
  13. Geospatial data
  14. Advanced Mongoose features
  15. And much more!


├── @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports@4.1.1
├── bcryptjs@2.4.3
├── cookie-parser@1.4.6
├── dotenv@16.3.1
├── eslint-config-airbnb@19.0.4
├── eslint-config-prettier@8.8.0
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint@8.43.0
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.27.5
├── eslint-pluginjsx-a11y@6.7.1
├── eslint-plugin-node@11.1.0
├── eslint-plugin-prettier@4.2.1
├── eslint-plugin-react@7.32.2
├── eslint@8.43.0
├── express-mongo-sanitize@2.2.0
├── express-rate-limit@6.9.0
├── express@4.18.2
├── helmet@7.0.0
├── hpp@0.2.3
├── jsonwebtoken@9.0.1
├── mongoose@5.13.17
├── morgan@1.10.0
├── nodemailer@6.9.4
├── nodemon@3.0.1
├── parcel-bundler@1.12.5
├── prettier@2.8.8
├── pug@3.0.2
├── slugify@1.6.6
├── validator@13.9.0
└── xss-clean@0.1.4



See Also