API Performance Testing
Sunday 21 January 2024

API performance testing is a process of evaluating and measuring the performance and responsiveness of an API under various conditions and loads.

Load Testing

Load testing for APIs involves simulating high volumes of concurrent requests to test how well the API handles the expected user load.

we can use package like loadtest to test the load of our API.

Install loadtest globally using npm

1npm install -g loadtest

or you can install it in your project

1npm install loadtest

Usage of loadtest

Basic usage

1loadtest -n [number of requests] -c [number of concurrent requests] [url]
3# Example
4loadtest -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users


1-t, --maxSeconds  [number]      Max number of seconds until tests are stopped. Default: 10 seconds
2-n, --maxRequests [number]      Number of requests to perform. Default: unlimited in `--maxSeconds` is reached
3-c, --concurrency [number]      Number of concurrent requests to perform. Default: 10
4-k, --keepAlive                 Use HTTP KeepAlive feature. Default: false
5-C, --cookie cookie-name=value  Send a cookie with the given name and value with each request. May be set multiple times.
6-H, --header header:value       Send a header with the given name and value with each request. May be set multiple times.
7-m, --method [string]           HTTP method to use. Default: GET
